Saturday, June 4, 2011


jeng jeng HERE 1st June's pic :) credits to Pek Boon (:

ok larh, more pics of the opening ceremony and it's kinda marching-shoes-burning morning :@ pek chek LOL Chin How still kek me gok ! LOL he stood behind Zanyu and Zanyu ngam ngam ho blocked the sun tapi Pang's shadow piuuuu pelanting, my shoes terpaksa expose to the sun TT

NAHH Day 2 :D

we're singing Epo (: no wonder our hands were up :D

Let's focus on the campfire :D the campfire began with the emcee's - Chris and err ok I forgot :b speech. Then we sang two scout songs and our camp song "少年" . After that, here it comes!! the FASHION SHOW :p

hohoho Here comes the BATWOMAN :D
ok haha Pang and I walked to the visitors and we showed them our bandanna :D *with MY spotlight LOL !

When we finished cat walking, the GAWAI fireworks lit up the pitch-black sky :D so zhun ! geee :D I hope everyone enjoyed it.

As I thought, we had to perform our ADVERTISEMENT RIGHT AFTER the fashion show. TT It's on COLGATE WHITENING!! hahaha

1. Darren Chong meragut Chung Yi's work bag.
2. Batman and Spiderman (Pang and Darren Teo) appears. "Batman to the rescue!" "Spiderman to the rescue!"
3. They fight and Szeyi Maria will go to stop them and I will say, "于是他们三个决定了用谁的牙齿最白来决定胜负! "
4. Then. JINGGGG! Darren Chong has the WHITEST teeth, and he gives them his COLGATE WHITENING! They promise to meet each other at the other side of the *campfire* after one month.
5. ONE MONTH PASSES BY, they meet and find out that their teeth sama sama white. Tapi they masih tidak suka akan Darren Chong ! LOL
6. They help COLGATE WHITENING da guang gao.


*pant pant pant, tired dao like what LOL I've got Ms Chee's test tomorrow. ARGHH nervous TT JIAYOU ! (:

will continue on the next post

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好久沒有來這裡 如果可以真的不想要呢 最近越來越覺得自己很有溝通交友障礙 大概已經到了缺陷的程度 我也不知道問題到底出在哪裡 每次都很羨慕有好朋友可以粘TT的那種人 有誰是真正喜歡一個人的時間呢 不多吧真的 不喜歡勉強別人 到最後永遠都像局外人 或許是我自己太...