Friday, April 6, 2012


went to the Spring with friends this afternoon (: we actually intended to watch "Hunger Games" but there were no suitable times, so we decided to go for "Mirror Mirror". OMG and the queue was like FOREVER LONG. Dong qi, even longer than the time we went to queue up last time *I forgot for wad edy* AHAHA and the queue took us about an hour. OMG. -.-

I wantED to go gai gai de T.T but AHAHAHAHAHAAH wo hen xing fu! I had a cup of Hielo - the frozen yogurt, original flavor, and it cost me RM 9.90 @@ and and and AHAHA I had Savory Paratha Double Cheese Onion! (Y) AHAHAHA

"Mirror Mirror" is nice! AHAHA very funny and exciting plot de shuo, dong qi if you can go watch lahh AHAHAA the dwarfs are SO CUTE geee Snow White is super pretty! :D

Lastly, vain pics of myself. :P

I forgot when did I take it ~.~

Ayee! Pocky! =D

whee my hair! <3

DQ, this outfit oi! :D

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好久沒有來這裡 如果可以真的不想要呢 最近越來越覺得自己很有溝通交友障礙 大概已經到了缺陷的程度 我也不知道問題到底出在哪裡 每次都很羨慕有好朋友可以粘TT的那種人 有誰是真正喜歡一個人的時間呢 不多吧真的 不喜歡勉強別人 到最後永遠都像局外人 或許是我自己太...