Friday, October 14, 2016


And a little pissed off.
Days have been busy and we're just done interviewing the juniors.
I find it very hard to make decision since they're all very talented.
I really wonder how our seniors chose us from the others. We take their personalities and talents into consideration, everyone has a say in their thoughts and recommend the juniors they know.
It isn't fair and I think the discussion caused a little conflict within us. I'm just naive. I hope that we have similar choices so we don't fight and our juniors can work well together. But it's really hard. Selecting and kicking people.
I don't think I did well in my interview last year.
Stressed because a batch of our seniors fought with their seniors and they left together. I'm afraid our choice, if wrong, might lead to that. I don't want the same thing to happen. Haih.

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好久沒有來這裡 如果可以真的不想要呢 最近越來越覺得自己很有溝通交友障礙 大概已經到了缺陷的程度 我也不知道問題到底出在哪裡 每次都很羨慕有好朋友可以粘TT的那種人 有誰是真正喜歡一個人的時間呢 不多吧真的 不喜歡勉強別人 到最後永遠都像局外人 或許是我自己太...