oh yeaa :) YESTERDAY after cleaning our house we went to buy veil for BELLYDANCE C: the veil dance, that is.

tapi that MELODY ROTTEN BREAD spot these and we bought the red polka dot kain, going to make either a 高腰裤 or 高腰裙 :D

so banyak varieties X:

then the bread said, "Mama and Aunty Fong look like a part of the shop." :b take a look at their pakaian. flowery flowery liddat :P

sibeh cute :P tapi she dislikes it, mmg macam macam larh O:

SOOOOOO much lorhhh

ok sorry, i'm L-A-Z-Y to turn it, okay larhh haha BA HUAN :P

it's the night time, we went to 大姑's house and had her to sew the sides for us. :( poor her, she couldn't take bath even after 10, the sewing machine was a bit sot T.T it was 10.45 when 3 veils -
QiQi Jie Jie, bread and mine were done. We bought 3m bought it was WAY TO LONG T.T so we mahuan her so much >////< paiseh daooo
ok larhh haha, we're having bellydance class TONIGHT :) +.+ looking foward c:
*the veil is REALLY HEAVY, no bluffing :(*