Friday, August 19, 2016

19 days in Nepal, shining in Nepal (part 2)

"Tonight" has been delayed until now haha sorry for the blank promise. Days start to be busy, fully packed with various schedules. However, ShiNepal is doing their best, preparing post-work report for our sponsors and also preparing for our orientation.
Let's go back in time and talk about the times in Nepal. So. When we reaches Nepal, Gautam and the fellow volunteers of Metta Volunteers came and picked us up. We were given a warm welcome upon leaving the departure gate. It made me look forward to the days coming. The Metta Volunteers helped us a lot. Not only did they carry our SUPER HEAVY LUGGAGE on bus (some on the bus top!!), they prepared our drinking water (knowing we might laosai if we drank like them from tap) and accommodation. Most of the time we stayed in Gautam's house. Oh and btw, Gautam is the leader of Metta Volunteers.
Nepal is a country with a lot of power cut. Walking around Nepal, you catch dust in your hair, wiping your face with a wet tissue after a long bus trip is very refreshing. The sun scorching so strongly, makes you feel like being BBQ-ed. Oh and their numbers are different from what we are familiar to, Amy pointed out, "Hey! I can't read their car plate numbers!!". The road condition is quite bad, perhaps similar to kampungs in Malaysia. This might be the aftermath of the quake.

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好久沒有來這裡 如果可以真的不想要呢 最近越來越覺得自己很有溝通交友障礙 大概已經到了缺陷的程度 我也不知道問題到底出在哪裡 每次都很羨慕有好朋友可以粘TT的那種人 有誰是真正喜歡一個人的時間呢 不多吧真的 不喜歡勉強別人 到最後永遠都像局外人 或許是我自己太...