Saturday, September 29, 2012



gonna blog A LOT after exams, some much to blog yet so little time to. (:

Thursday, September 20, 2012

ME. WO. SAYA. わたし. 내가.

OKAY. If you don't want to understand me, DON READ. AHAHAHA It'll all be about me. :P

1. I'm very contradictory.
2. I'm LAZY.
4. I'm determined to slim down but too lazy to take actual actions, refer to #2.
5. wo hen 犯贱, AHAHA according to wad jo says, 明明就不会吃辣还是要吃。Also, 明明哭点很低,还是爱看悲情的戏,常常哭得稀里哗啦。One time I saw this, people who read sad stories and cry are not weak because after crying they're sure that if they were to face that same situation, they'll be able to face it. (:
6. I love to sleep.
7. Green is my favourite colour. Actually, all colours are nice, it's just that green looks more comfortable. :)
8. I love full-framed glasses! :D guys with glasses are nice AHAHA.
9. I must admit that, I'm no good in sports. AHAHA but watching sports IS fun.
10. I'm afraid of bugs.
11. Bees especially, after bring stung a few years ago, at the back of my head. UGH, worst memory ever, I still remember I wore a pink bib short. (kay I actually google-ed, bib short means 吊带裤) AHAHA
12. I hate pimples.
13. I hate acnes.
14. I hate checkered long pants, with red and black checks, bread started it. AHAHA she says it's 理发师裤.
15. I love to eat grapes, then orange :D sour fruits are the best!
19. I can't take chilli sauce but I can stand curry and laksa's spiciness.
20. Bak Kut Teh is nice! :D
21. I LOVE HOT WATER BATHS. even if it's a hot day wheee (:
22. I prefer teh c to milo. Milo is too sweet. :P
23. I LOVE THE NUMBER 23! AHAHAHAAAHAHHAHA haihh, once my seat number in class. ALSO, 23 Sept HAHAAHAAHAHA
24. I once thought that 四小 was the only primary school.
25. Bread told me that last time I said primary four go to 四小,then primary five go to 五小,and primary six go to 六小。OMG, AHAHA if it's really that case, the teachers will faint. xD
26. I LOL for no reason. When I donno wad to reply but I don wan the conversation to stop. AHAHA
27. I seldom listen to songs.
29. I love to draw.
30. I feel like becoming a wedding dressl designer, but not much income heh. AHAHA still needa think on the realistic side, haihh :(
31. I dislike becoming tan, but some people with tanned skin are very attractive :D AHAHA it's just that I don look good with tanned skin mahh.
32. I love to listen to sad songs when I'm sad, and that makes me even sadder -___- and I can't stop crying, wtf.
33. I love to listen to japanese songs and try to memorize every single word, feeling pro when I can sing the whole song without making a single mistake. :D
34. I love to eat bing pi yue bing xD
35. I like ribbons.
36. I'm very disorganized.
37. I can't plan things well.
38. I dislike paperwork.
39. I feel uncomfortable talking to total strangers, so approach me first! :))
40. I feel safe with my hands in my pocket or whatever lah, at least I can feel myself.
41. I feel unsafe when I'm alone in a big big shopping mall, waiting for others to arrive, so I'll take out my phone and pretend that I'm texting, even if my phone has no more credit.
42. I din know wad was verb / noun / tense before Form 3. LOL I know them but yeahh, just that the names. LOL
43. I'm not good in expressing things.
44. I love toys. Big ones. HAHA but not the furry type. OH YA DONG QI IS 3 YEARS OLD THIS YEAR, but both his ears are broken already :(
45. I love it when people I am very familiar with call me by my nickname :D
46. I'm afraid of mokmok.
47. I'm left-handed.
48. I'm not a diligent student.
49. Burning midnight oil is my style. AHAHA of course not really midnight, gotta sleep before 12 if not mum with be so angry :(
50. I love to sweat but hate it when I sweat. okay idk wad am I talking about. AHAHA

wait until the next time, still have so much more to update AHAHA but gonna go take some snacks now. :)

Saturday, September 15, 2012


ughh, I'm so useless

feeling down -____- worse still, I don know why I am. 
I miss his smiles, I guess. 

Thursday, September 13, 2012

1st Sepetember 2012

OKAY. Since I've a lot to blog about, I'll blog on sth I still remember and appeared just on my fb homepage today. AHAHA which is..


Hafla. (Pronounced "HAHF lah".) This basically refers to a party. A private hafla thrown by a belly dancer usually involves Middle Eastern music (sometimes live musicians jamming, sometimes just taped music), dancers taking turns performing for each other, and some open-floor dancing for everyone to get up and enjoy the music. A more public hafla may be effectively a full belly dance festival, with vendors selling their wares and a more formalized stage show.

now, let's take a look at these videos (:


spot me? AHAHA inbox me for clue xD


The event was held in the Fourpoints Hotel, from 7:00pm until 10:30pm, lots to eat, lots to watch, thrilling performances of different genres like Belly Dance, Modern Jazz and Flamenco!
Instructor Sze Leng even performed a fusion of Belly Dance and Flamenco! VERY NICE INDEED.
oh ya, I danced "Adir Adirim", a different kind of tribal, not that scary but cheeky :)) very cute song

the three instructors showed us a VERY POWERFUL "The Boys", it was fabulous! AHAHA
also, as the theme is "New Generation", three pregnant belly dancers danced "The Pearl in My Heart" 
*if not mistaken lol*
one was even 9-month pregnant! MU AI DE GUANG HUI =D

the guys had FUN in Jasper's house AHHA it was his birthday party, okay lah, belated happy birthday.
fortunately I couldn't go, know why?
they watched horror movies. GOSH.

really had much fun (:

OH. YY is having a competition this Saturday, JIAYOU. DON BE TOO KINTEO.
YOU CAN DO IT! I'll pray for you (:

Saturday, September 8, 2012

weird but still me AHAHAHA

LOL sometimes I feel that I'm so weird that no one will understand me AHAHAHAHA

sometimes I just wonder am I actually the brain which is thinking but not the body which is moving, physically. Cz I stupid tangan stupid kaki.

sometimes I wonder if I am being watched and I'll suddenly turn and scan through everyone's eyes! ._.

I love to stalk people, perhaps I enjoy being stalked.

and today bread told me that I never let go of a single chance to look into something reflective and check myself out. OMG AHAHAHA then I realized, it IS really so. -________-
maybe terpengaruh oleh fish WALAOEH
okay lah, just a random post -.- super sian now, doing things that are so boring RAWR. I NEED SWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEETS.

should be posting facts about me next time, condition is I am not lazy. AHAHH

OH YA, and also hafla and also SABAH and Prefect's dinner and also uhmm ahh, aduh so many posts waiting to be posted :( AHAHA too lazy okay?!

p/s guys, please help click on the ad when you visit here oh! 
AGAIN, she is leaving for KL tomoro :(
she'll be missing MY birthday, having her 21st birthday THERE, and missing Dad's birthday too :( and THE FOOD HEREEEEEEE! AHAHAHAAHAHAHA

good luck, bread. 

Monday, September 3, 2012

Lucky ☆ Lucky =D

I have received two messages which make me super happy AHAHA

你好,我是许氏工会的许鲁云,有关你在今年四月份向本会所申请的近视眼镜一事,请你尽快前往富丽华购物广场一楼的 Eyesight Optic (082-452XXX)找 Mr.John ……

and I was stopped from choosing the black full frame :( but I guess the new one is not bad too, will be receiving it in the next Kho Clan's dinner :DD



shun. 吉他手是鱼没错!

 진짜 미치겠다.